last week in Spain passed quickly going around with my mom - city centre, City of Arts and Ciences, beach and then going out of Valencia to see the castle of Sagunto and Chiva, a little village half and hour train ride away from Valencia, where they had some traditional fiesta and mascleta. I think my mom liked Valencia in general although the weather was quite hot the whole time - more that 30 degrees every day with sun (I think we saw clouds only one morning or so). even I got to see some things I hadn't seen before so I liked the free time I had and just being able to walk around and enjoy the city. At the beginning I know when I arrived, I didn't know what to think and said that France is better. I don't know any more. Valencia has it's charm and for me it's big enough to offer everything I need. And the sun, who could forget that :) Today when I am in Estonia sitting in my room and writing, the sun is shining outside as well and it's nice and warm (meaning you still have to wear long trousers and a small sweater or sth), but I know tomorrow there will be no more :( and who knows for how long ;) Estonian autumn is coming! So yeah, sun, I will miss you!
On Saturday we went with my mom to Amsterdam - we didn't go as with a specific plan to visit Amsterdam but as this was the cheapest option to get home ( I bought the tickets 2 weeks before). So the thing was to go in the morning to Amsterdam, get our luggage, leave it somewhere for the day and go to see the city. And then at 8 p.m. we had our next flight to Tallinn. Despite getting up at 4 in the morning, getting a taxi and having an early flight, I enjoyed Amsterdam a lot! This is a city I would like to go back to and see more of it. And I don't mean going there to do drugs or smoke week or any other this kind of activity. It is just my kind of city :) Too bad it's too in the north and doesn't have the weather of Valencia, otherwise I would seriously plan on going to live there ;) I always imagined it's a big city but it's not, it has sth like 700 000 people living there plus the suburbs so it's bigger than Tallinn but not so big as Paris or Barcelona. So the size is good. What I didn't like, I mean I like having a lot of foreigners living in a city, is that there is so many tourists :D And that means everything's more expensive. But ok - I can't judge the city based on one day's visit. On the train back to the airport, we started to feel the tiredness, especially me - I almost fell asleep on the train and it was like 20 minutes ride. I wasn't the only one - seems Amsterdam was tiresome for others as well :) In the airport everything went very fluently - we got our bags from the locker, found the right place to do the check in and managed to get through the security without much waiting. Although my mother's trouser pockets were searched through quite thoroughly :) maybe they thought she's going to try to take sth with her ;) in the end we had to wait only an hour and a half for our boarding so it was good. It was funny because as we approached the gate, there were already people waiting and they were all speaking Estonian. It had been 4 months since I last heard a lot of people speaking Estonian at the same time in the same place. And everyone was blond with clear eyes - estonians ;) Arriving to Estonia was sad - I had imagined me being sad already in Valencia but somehow I wasn't. But then the moment I saw the runway from the sky, all nicely in light and waiting for us, I felt very very sad :( it was like if the day had been just entertainment and distraction, then seeing the runway made me realize that I am actually back in Estonia and not going in Valencia. That it was all so real. I know I shouldn't be sad - I have to take it positively and say that only one more year (and not even a year but less) and then I will be free to do what I want and be able to go where I want. But still. At that moment, you just don't care about reason or anything and feel sad for the things that you may have lost :( (My mom is calling me to go out to cut the crass or something but I don't want to go out, not at the moment. I have still my stuff all over the room and it makes me feel a bit better. That it isn't lost yet, these past 4 months. and maybe go out later for a walk with Murka, to enjoy the last sun but now I just want to feel sad and think). So yes, we arrived to Tallinn around half pas 11 p.m. and it was cold :/ like 10 or 11 degrees outside! from 30 in Valencia to 20 something in Amsterdam to 10 in Tallinn - shouldn't be that bad but feels gold :) and this morning as well - when I woke up I had to go through my suitcase to find some long trousers (my favorits to wear at home) and a sweater, and socks! brrr, cold.. and today so far I haven't done much. My sister and I changed rooms because she wanted mine, which is bigger, and as initially the room where she was, was mine I didn't have anything against changing it back. It's still bigger than the room I had in Valencia! So before I could unpack everything I had to see how my sister had arranged the things, to arrange them my way. And now I have a pile of clothes on my bed, waiting to be put away..maybe some music will help, some Spanish music of course ;)
pühapäev, 11. september 2011
reede, 2. september 2011
ei ole pealkirja
tahtsin peale täna hommikust postitust kohe öelda, et pilved läksid ära ja päike tuli ja ajasin teile jama juttu aga siis peale lõunat kui ma pidin koju hakkama minema tulid pilved tagasi ja hakkas sadama. ja läks kohe ka jahedamaks - 25 kraadi ainult näitas väljas.. Seda vihma oli muidugi kõigest paariks tunniks, kuigi sellel ajal tundus nagu oleks Eestisse sattunud - pilves ja vihmane ja sombune (aga lihtsalt natuke soojem kui Eestis). Aga siis õhtuks tuli jälle päike ja nüüd pilvi enam üldse pole aga jahe on ikka - 22 kraadi näitan praegu ainult :( ja õhtul sai ka pikad püksid jalga pandud.. see mind eestis ootabki - ei saa enam seelikut ega lühikesi kleite kanda..
oh homme tuleb tore päev - head aega ja ole tubli ja edu ja loodame kõiki varsti jälle näha :) selline tavaline viimane päev. ei tea kas peaks ka poodi hommiku minema ja kommi ostma. aga ma arvan et ei ole vaja, ma korra juba viisin neile eesti kommi ja siis keegi ei söönud :S ise sõin viimased ära ;) ja siis õhtul tuleb ema :)) happy!
oh homme tuleb tore päev - head aega ja ole tubli ja edu ja loodame kõiki varsti jälle näha :) selline tavaline viimane päev. ei tea kas peaks ka poodi hommiku minema ja kommi ostma. aga ma arvan et ei ole vaja, ma korra juba viisin neile eesti kommi ja siis keegi ei söönud :S ise sõin viimased ära ;) ja siis õhtul tuleb ema :)) happy!
viimased tööpäevad ja pilves ilm
nagu tellitult on minu viimasteks tööpäevadeks (lõpuks) kohale jõudnud pilved. vihma ei saja ja sooja on veel küllaga aga päikest lihtsalt pole näga, kohe nii et ka pilveservast mitte.. Hakkasin vahepeal juba see nädal kirjutama ja sinna ma sellega jäingi, kuidagi läks kiiresti see aeg. Võrreldes eelmise nädalaga on see palju kiiremini läinud, mis on ka hea sest laup ehk siis Juba homme on viimane tööpäeva ja siis tuleb mu Kallis Emake siia :))) ja siis saab natuke niisama ringi käia ja puhata ja siis kohvreid tegema hakata ;)
Kahjuks pole see nädal üldse randa saand - esmaspäeval Migueliga käisime aga siis polnd ka päikest eriti vaid kõva tuul ja nii magasime ja lugesime niisama; siis teisipäeval käis ta mul külas ja vaatasime oms filmi lõpuni, kolmapäeval ma ei teagi miks ma ei läinud ja ei olin lihtsalt väsinud ja tulin koju, kergelt kahtlane ilm oli ka randa mineku jaoks hommiku aga pealelõunat oleks juba täitsa ok olnud.. ja täna ka vist ei saa ja homme saan ühe tuttvaga kokku tandemist, et niisama natuke jutustada ja siis head aega öelda, sest hetkel rohkem kedagi ei näe. nuuks, kurvaks võtab kohe:(
Kahjuks pole see nädal üldse randa saand - esmaspäeval Migueliga käisime aga siis polnd ka päikest eriti vaid kõva tuul ja nii magasime ja lugesime niisama; siis teisipäeval käis ta mul külas ja vaatasime oms filmi lõpuni, kolmapäeval ma ei teagi miks ma ei läinud ja ei olin lihtsalt väsinud ja tulin koju, kergelt kahtlane ilm oli ka randa mineku jaoks hommiku aga pealelõunat oleks juba täitsa ok olnud.. ja täna ka vist ei saa ja homme saan ühe tuttvaga kokku tandemist, et niisama natuke jutustada ja siis head aega öelda, sest hetkel rohkem kedagi ei näe. nuuks, kurvaks võtab kohe:(
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